Bird Taxidermy Class - Low Income
Bird Taxidermy Class - Low Income
Bird Taxidermy Class - Low Income
Bird Taxidermy Class - Low Income
Bird Taxidermy Class - Low Income
Bird Taxidermy Class - Low Income

Bird Taxidermy Class - Low Income

August 17th & 18th
Class will be held 9:30AM - 6:30PM each day. READ CONDITIONS BELOW BEFORE SIGN UP.


These spots are reserved for low-income persons who seek to learn bird taxidermy for education or professional aspirations. Please do not sign up for this spot as a hobbyist. 
Prey Taxidermy strives to create inclusion and diversity in taxidermy and feels that creating a lower-cost structure for certain students may help achieve that.


The Eligibility Requirements & Rules:

1) Please do not sign up for these spots if you just want to try taxidermy for fun. These spots are for those aspiring to be in the sciences, museum work, arts, or in taxidermy professionally one day.

2) Do not give it as a gift to someone else. Unless this is for your child, anyone signed up under these spots not under their own name will not be permitted into class.

3) Parents of children under 21: We want to accommodate you with these spots unless you are a family of means; see definitions below—only one per family member.

4) Los Angeles County defines low income as 'an individual makes less than $47,520 per year or if a family of four earns wages less than $97,200 per year'. This means after taxes you would bring home around $3,000 monthly as an individual or as a family of 4 around $6,500 monthly in Los Angeles. (If you do not live in LA county, please use your local low-income calculator to determine if you are low-income.

5) No business, institution, school, or non-profit organization may sign up a person for these spots. You do not meet individual or family low-cost guidelines. Spots purchased under these conditions will be refunded. 

We are a small individually female-owned business with a very high overhead, so our general pricing reflects that. However, by creating these 2 more affordable spots per class we can help diversify the taxidermy community while still supporting our business. We thank you for your honesty.


Location & Cancellations

** Please review our strict cancellation policy here **

LOCATION: The class will be held at the new Prey Taxidermy studio at 2684 Lacy St Los Angeles 90031. You will receive a confirmation email with a liability waiver and other information a few days before class.